This is Mo's Real Story:
When I was pregnant with my daughter we decided to name her Maureen after me. However, her middle name is Rose after my husband's favorite Johnny Cash Song "Give my love to Rose". We call my daughter Rose or Rosie. So when I told my husband the exciting news that I would be hosting Tea Pot Tuesday and I needed his and Rosie's help picking out a tea pot and story, they suggested this one. I also wanted to make it easy knowing that it is a holiday week and most of us Woman will be doing the preparing and cooking! My love and regards to the Mothermark.... Can't wait for your return!
Tea Party Story:
Today we are taking a trip to Grand Ole Opry! Johnny Cash came back to pay us ladies a visit at our tea party! He loves a party! He is personally singing for us our favorite Johnny Cash Song: Give my Love to Rose:
I found him by the railroad track this morning
I could see that he was nearly dead
I knelt down beside him and I listened
Just to hear the words the dying fellow said
He said they let me out of prison down in Frisco
For ten long years I've paid for what I've done
I was trying to get back to Louisiana
To see my Rose and get to know my son
Give my love to Rose please won't you mister
Take her all my money, tell her to buy some pretty clothes
Tell my boy his daddy's so proud of him
And don't forget to give my love to Rose
Tell them I said thanks for waiting for me
Tell my boy to help his mom at home
Tell my Rose to try to find another
For it ain't right that she should live alone
Mister here's a bag with all my money
It won't last them long the way it goes
God bless you for finding me this morning
And don't forget to give my love to Rose
Give my love to Rose please won't you mister
Take her all my money, tell her to buy some pretty clothes
Tell my boy his daddy's so proud of him
And don't forget to give my love to Rose
If you want to come in the front door of the Grand Ole Opry tea party bring a card with any of the following: A rose (or your favorite flower), country song theme, Johnny Cash Theme, or a card for your daughter/mother. Additionally, I try to make all of my cards FUNctional, try to add that to the challenge!
Thanks for having me as our Host this week and I hope everyone has a VERY Happy THANKSGIVING! Gobble Gobble!
Thanks for the great challenge, Maureen...I'm packing my bags now!!! I love the teapot you picked out and your card is just beautiful!!!